Joel Birkin’s Dick Is So Big, It Takes Two Twinks To Handle It

Posted May 16, 2017 by with 9 comments

c4668a6474ae334e8d92e132eaa51e1dIt pretty much always takes more than one person to deal with Joel Birkin’s 10-inch dick (unless that one person is Kevin Warhol), and today is no different. Two twinks are tackling Joel’s big dick in the new Freshmen update, and the scene starts with a fun surprise for one of those twinks.


In fact, this is possibly the best surprise…ever?


If I was in that blindfold, I would undoubtedly react the exact same way, tbh.


Joel Birkin’s co-stars are Joaquin Arrenas and Jarrod Lanvin, and they are putting in a lot of work today:

339d0e48223d20158b008de5a234c3ad 3c3d15f5fe93bedc31c002b9e43de97f 6b9eb14c95d39d4c5b63691052aa238b 051c3aefa7f62266c3d18d337daace66 a143300a99c6ee3e22c9fd32d17a9cf4Joel fucks both boys, and even delivers a creampie to one of them:

39445d703a1415f2644024d3c31db662Trailer (watch full scene here):

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[Freshmen: Joel Birkin Fucks Joaquin Arrenas And Jarrod Lanvin]

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