Dirt Bikes, Drama, And Big Dicks—Here’s The Trailer For NakedSword’s MXXX: The Hardest Ride

Posted June 14, 2017 by with 69 comments

DCTBxJAUMAADDi3In April, gay porn star Tom Faulk launched (and then pulled down) a controversial $3,500 GoFundMe to buy a giant pile of dirt for a movie he was working on. Now, that movie is about to be released, and dirt or no dirt, it looks to be one of the most original, exciting, and gorgeously filmed features of 2017. It’s NakedSword’s MXXX: The Hardest Ride, directed by mr. Pam:

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NakedSword has just released the entire MXXX movie a week early, and it’s now playing in its entirety here.

Here’s the NSFW hardcore trailer:

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[NakedSword: MXXX: The Hardest Ride]

Featuring one of the best casts of the year, it includes scenes with Tom Faulk and Sean Duran, Gabriel Alanzo and Johnny V., real-life fiancés Brent Corrigan and JJ Knight, and the duo I’m most looking forward to: Ryan Rose and Phoenix Fellington. MXXX: The Hardest Ride is now live here.


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