Here’s A Gay Porn Star With A Klansman And A Naked Black Woman Tattooed On His Leg

Posted April 22, 2017 by with 109 comments

51531_281Just when you think you’ve honestly seen every ugly/insane/offensive tattoo possible on a gay porn star, how about a tattoo of a Klansman and a naked black lady? As seen above, gay porn star Georgio Black has that exact tattoo painted on the top portion of his right leg.

Black (yes, that’s his last name) keeps his hand strategically placed over the Klansman throughout some of his scenes (one of which was released yesterday by Euro porn studio MaleReality), but in some parts of the videos/photos, he removes his hand so the Klansman is on full display:


Clearly, the photographer/director of this scene knew that the Klansman/black woman tattoo might be…uhh, problematic, so they have Black covering the Klansman in most of the photos. But, why the fuck even bother? And, why even shoot him to begin with if he showed up on set with this?

january2Georgio Black has performed under nearly 20(!) different gay porn names at various studios since his 2002 debut, and he did not have the Klan tattoo earlier in his career:

georgioblacktm1In fact, based on the photo below, Black’s Klansman tattoo was added sometime within the last year (one commenter believes he’s actually had it since 2015), as the tattoo was not on his leg in this fairly recent MaleReality scene, released in November of 2016:


The Klansman tattoo first appeared on MaleReality in a scene from 2017:

january2017Note that in the January MaleReality scene (above), the tattoo was apparently not quite finished yet. In the below video and photo from the new scene released yesterday, the palm tree has been drawn in, and the Klan cross and Klan robe belt have both been painted red:


Black’s close attention to horrific racist detail sure is something!

51531_333Given the added colors to the tattoo in the different scenes over the course of four months, it’s clear that MaleReality deliberately chose to bring Georgio Black back for additional scenes, even after they were obviously fully aware of the Klansman they filmed previously.

And, in the close-up shot below (back from the January, 2017 scene), it appears that the Klansman has an erection under his robe:

klan5Maybe, in some kind of weird, eastern European version of humor or irony, the tattoo is supposed to just be “funny”? Georgio Black is listed as being from the Czech Republic, but I still can’t imagine any context for the tattoo that might make it acceptable overseas, let alone here in the United States. Why anyone would choose to have a Klansman permanently drawn onto their body (or why a gay adult entertainment company would choose to put a Klansman like this on display) is beyond all rational explanation.



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