Separated At Birth: Jed Athens’ Asshole And Return Of The Jedi’s Sarlacc Pit
Over the past two years, walking hazmat spill Jed Athens has threatened to shoot Falcon director Bruno Bond with a gun, falsely claimed to be dating Erik Rhodes at the time of his death, told me to commit suicide by jumping in front of a train, trashed every studio he’s ever worked for, and tried to get his ex-boyfriend banned from gay porn. And all that time, his gaping wound of an asshole always looked so familiar to me, but I could never quite put my finger on what exactly it reminded me of.
Today, I finally figured it out: Remember the Sarlacc pit from Return Of The Jedi?
In other Jed Athens news, he’s in a new CocksureMen scene today.
On the one hand, it’s nice to see that CocksureMen is finally releasing content that wasn’t filmed next to an air conditioning machine in Eastern Europe circa 1995, but on the other hand…
CocksureMen’s new content is a scene with Jed Athens.
Enter at your own risk…