Florida Drops Domestic Violence Case Against Matthew Rush

Posted March 23, 2017 by with 10 comments

rushdSome good news for gay porn star Matthew Rush. As Str8UpGayPorn first reported earlier this month, the former performer had been arrested in his Florida home following a violent altercation with his ex-boyfriend. Today, Str8UpGayPorn can report that Rush won’t be facing domestic violence charges, and the case has been disposed.

Court documents filed Tuesday indicate there was “no info” presented to further pursue a domestic violence charge (it was alleged that Rush had punched his ex-boyfriend in the mouth), and Broward County has “declined” to prosecute the case:

mat1mat2Given the conflicting details in the arresting officer’s police report, and the apparent fact that both Rush and his ex-boyfriend had become equally physical with each other during the fight, it’s not a surprise that the domestic violence case has been declined.

Rush, who had been approved for indigent status while being appointed a lawyer, still owes a $50 public defender fee, per Broward County records.


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