Gay Porn Star Lazzarato—The Abusive Ex-Boyfriend Of Josh Moore Who Held Loc Rios Hostage In Spain And Compared Sharok To Barney The Dinosaur—Makes Debut Topping Allen King

Posted May 15, 2024 by with 10 comments

Well, I ended up writing an entire article in the headline, so there’s no need to say anything more. (ICYMI: previous reporting related to the content of that headline is here and here.)

Here’s looney tunes Lazzarato making his debut fucking Allen King, and for once, Allen’s crazy fucking faces might actually be appropriate, given the co-star he had to deal with in this video. Let’s hope took out an insurance policy on everything and everyone involved in the production of this nightmare.

Trailer (watch full scene here):

[ Lazzarato Fucks Allen King Bareback]

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