Live Hustlaball Performances: Andrea Suarez, Ryan Rose, Kyle Kash, Cake, And A Billion Anal Beads

Posted January 17, 2016 by with 27 comments

IMG_1465Brittany Andrews and Bray Love

“We can’t show dick. We aren’t even really allowed to show butt crack, either.” That was the disappointing excuse I heard over and over again at Hustlaball Las Vegas when gay porn stars were asked why they remained covered up.

IMG_1467Logan Moore, Alex Mecum, Kyle Kash

Apparently, the bareback fuckfests and cock gobbling from last year were against the rules, even for Vegas, so this year’s ball was a comparatively tame affair. Still, gay porn stars did their best to keep the large crowds entertained, and here are some highlights from some of the more…interesting live performances.


Remember the cake from the pre-party? Well, they brought whatever was left of it back for an encore. And by “encore” I mean Mickey Taylor, Kyle Kash, Wesley Woods, and Logan Moore wrestled in it.

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The entire room smelled like a giant tub of frosting, which was both hot and gross at the same time?

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Next up, Ryan Rose and Casey Everett gave two lucky audience members (one of whom was Liam Riley) lap dances:


Back in the performers’ lounge with Ryan Rose, Diesel Washington, Tayte Hanson, Mickey Taylor, Bray Love, Danny Montero, Kody Stewart, Dylan James, and Brittany Andrews:

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Finally, the most asstounding show of the night came from Andrea Suarez, who pulled what had to have been a billion strings of anal beads from his asshole.


Just when you thought Andrea was done pulling things out of his asshole, he kept going!

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Butt wait, there’s more:

IMG_1546 IMG_1549As one audience member remarked, “I didn’t know we were going to see a magician!?”

And yes, this is a lightbulb.


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