Now Sergeant Miles—Who’s Harassed Gay Co-Stars In Real Life—Is In A Porn Movie About Harassment Where He Calls His Co-Star A “Fucking Faggot”

Posted April 5, 2018 by with 27 comments

hisassFor those who can’t get enough of Donald Trump supporter Sergent Miles (and Raging Hot Falcon apparently can’t—this is at least his third movie for the studio released this year), the gay porn star has taken a break from insulting high school students who were victims of a mass shooting to appear in another gay porn scene this month. In this one, Miles—who believes the DACA program should be repealed and all DACA immigrants should be deported—plays a boss who sexually harasses, physically abuses, and verbally abuses an employee, who tries to fight Miles off. Sounds like something right out of Trump Tower.

The movie—which is about as ill-conceived and clueless as you can get, given the current social and cultural movements surrounding harassment and #MeToo happening in this country right now—features workplace sexual harassment, and it’s called “Sexual HisASSment.”

hisassmentAlso, considering the fact that Sergeant Miles was accused of real-life harassment of two of his co-stars on set just last month, this movie—albeit fiction—shows just how tone deaf some gay porn studios can be. In the Sergeant Miles scene, Miles’ character uses anti-gay slurs (including repeated use of the word “faggot”) to insult and harass an employee, who is eventually restrained with saran wrap by Miles and fucked on a table.

Sergeant Miles’ real-life interrogation and intimidation of performers Kurtis Wolfe and Jessie Colter over their STI tests and sexual habits was perceived by many to be homophobic, and I guess now Raging Stallion is giving “fans” a fictionalized version of similar behavior via this sex scene. Here’s Sergeant Miles and Tony Orlando in Raging Stallion’s Fetish Force scene from “Sexual HisASSMent”:

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