[UPDATED] Performer Justin Stone Accuses JustForFans Owner Dominic Ford Of Rape; Ford Threatens To Sue Stone For Defamation

Posted June 20, 2020 by with 26 comments

This story has been updated below.

Gay porn star Justin Stone has now become the second performer to accuse JustForFans owner Dominic Ford of sexual assault, following the first accusation made earlier this week by performer Tannor Reed.

Stone—who performed at studios including FamilyDick and BoyFun, as well as his JustForFans page—has had a contentious relationship with Ford that goes back to early last year, when Stone lived with Ford for several weeks in Florida, then traveled with Ford to Europe for adult industry events. In his accusation today, Stone accuses Ford of raping him in a hotel room in London, and Stone tells Str8Up that this happened on or around May 16th, 2019. Str8Up has confirmed that Ford and Stone were together in London during this time for a party called “The Prowler Awards,” which was just two weeks before Ford then went back to Florida and allegedly raped Tannor Reed in a hotel room during the XBIZ Miami conference.

Here are Stone’s tweets from today, which begin with the claim that Ford “did it to me because I turned down a threesome.” Then, Stone proceeds to describe the alleged sexual assault in London:

Stone’s mention of being raped two times presumably includes the 2018 allegation he made against gay porn studio owner Bryan Schwandt, whom Stone said raped him while he was working for Schwandt’s studio, BoyCrush.

Like with Tannor Reed, Ford had sex with the 22-year-old Stone in at least one JustForFans video, and the couple appear to have had a close relationship outside of filming. Back in April of last year, Ford tweeted a photo of him and Stone with the caption, “Like any good daddy, I’m taking the boy to Disney.”

Before sharing details about the alleged London rape this afternoon, Stone tweeted “Dominic Ford is a rapist” multiple times, then mentioned a letter he received from Ford’s lawyer:

Earlier this morning, Stone revealed to his followers that he had received a “pre-suit” notice from Ford’s attorney yesterday, threatening to sue Stone for defamation unless Stone deleted tweets accusing Ford of abuse. To be clear, the lawyer letter and lawsuit threat is in reference to previous tweets from Stone—not the tweets today about the alleged rape in London, which Stone posted after he received the lawyer letter.

Here’s the lawyer’s letter obtained by Str8UpGayPorn (Stone’s legal name has been redacted), which identifies the earlier tweets from Stone (which were posted on June 15th, the day after Tannor Reed came forward) that Ford considers defamatory. Ford has told Stone to delete his tweets accusing Ford of abuse by June 24th, or Ford will proceed with the defamation lawsuit:

With regard to Stone coming to Ford’s defense, denying abuse, and contradicting himself in earlier texts and tweets included in the lawyer’s letter, Stone now claims he was manipulated by Ford, and says, “I had to say these things to protect my career and get what little truth I could from him,” as seen in the tweet below:

In addition to the threats against Stone, Dominic Ford has also threatened to sue Tannor Reed. With regard to Reed’s sexual assault claim, Ford’s lawyer issued a statement earlier this week that read, “My office is currently exploring a legal response to the false assertions.” [Update: Ford’s lawyer tells Str8Up that they haven’t threatened to sue Reed, despite saying that they were “exploring a legal response” to Reed. So, make of that what you will.]

This is a developing story.


Following Justin Stone’s tweets yesterday accusing Dominic Ford of rape, Ford’s lawyer, Gill Sperlein, has sent an additional pre-suit notice to Stone. The new letter threatens Stone with yet another defamation lawsuit, and Ford demands that Stone delete the tweets accusing Ford of rape, labeling them “defamatory statements” and “completely untrue.” The letter states that “Dominic Ford is not a rapist,” and says a suit will be filed if Stone hasn’t deleted the tweets by June 26th (this coming Friday):

Telling the person you’re threatening to sue that they “should not be getting legal advice from strangers through Twitter” is a patronizing and bizarre statement to read in a pre-suit notice. Does Ford have any intention of actually filing suit (which could mean that the rape allegations against him—both from Stone and Tannor Reed—would play out in court, with evidence from all parties presented publicly), or is he just attempting to scare and silence Stone? Either way, we’ll find out Friday if Stone doesn’t delete the tweets and a suit is filed.

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