Fake Cum Alert: Is This The Fakest Cum Shot Of All Time?

Posted February 10, 2016 by with 26 comments

SS0059A_054Sketchy Sex is known for their ridiculously fake cum shots, but the fake cum shot in today’s Sketchy Sex update might be their most fake cum shot of all time.

The jig is up, cum dumps:

fakecEli Hunter is a great performer who deserves better than this. Eli Hunter deserves real cum.

They aren’t even trying to pass these loads off as real anymore:

fakecNote the quick cutaway in the clip below, at 1:10, which is then followed by the supposed cum shot. You can clearly see one of the alleged streams of cum being shot from behind the dick hole, out of the guy’s hand! Unless this guy (who is only identified as “Aaron”) is a freak of nature with a second urethra coming out of the shaft of his cock (which is a great cock, FWIW), this is simply not possible. Fuck this fake shit.

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[Sketchy Sex: Eli Hunter Swallows Fake Cum]

Gay porn in 2016: Fake fucking, fake cocks, and fake cum shots.


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