Posted February 20, 2014 by with 20 comments 1, Michael Lucas: 0

Despite his deranged ownership claims over his former exclusive Seth Santoro, Michael Lucas couldn’t stop today from releasing the first of several new Santoro scenes. Lucas already sent an empty threat to Jake Cruise (which worked, because Cruise wouldn’t stand up to him), and did the same to when he issued the below statement a few weeks ago:

Seth Treston is a Lucas Entertainment model and yes he just violated his contract again. He is under the contract and he will remain so until the expiration of the agreement on June 17, 2016. In the meantime he has no right to work for any one else. We are contacting all the studios letting them know that he is under an exclusive agreement.

Kink obviously ignored Michael Lucas’ delusions and released their first Seth Santoro scene today (watch preview below). As you’ll recall, Seth Santoro left his contract after he says Michael Lucas didn’t pay him for a scene (and after contracting chlamydia on a Michael Lucas set).

With reports of his impending divorce, models and employees abandoning his doomed studio left and right, and now being publicly humiliated by Kink, 2014 isn’t shaping up to be the best year for Michael Lucas. How sad.

Be sure to watch all of Seth Santoro’s new scenes on, starting with the first one released today on NakedKombat.

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[NakedKombat: Kip Johnson Fucks Seth Santoro]


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