Jarec Wentworth Makes Local TV News

Posted April 7, 2015 by with 33 comments

jareccbsIt was the exclusive story that Str8UpGayPorn first broke on March 23rd. Two weeks later, the local media here in Los Angeles are finally catching up to a gay porn blog.

The below report aired last Thursday on L.A.’s CBS affiliate, KCAL9, whose reporters apparently don’t read Str8UpGayPorn. Alleged victim “D.B.” has been identified as Donald Burns in multiple posts here, including one in which he offers to pay a Sean Cody model at least $2,500 in exchange for a “private meeting,” and another just this week in which Jarec Wentworth/Teofil Brank accuses Burns of rape. Keep up the great work, KCAL9.

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[CBS Los Angeles]

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