Sean Cody’s Stu Returns For Non-Sexual Role In “The Gym”
Miss him? Stu’s last gay porn scene at Sean Cody was released back in April of 2014, but after eight years, he’s returning to the studio this month for a non-sexual cameo role in a three-part series called “The Gym.”
One of Stu’s promo shots below has been watermarked with a MEN logo because, as most know, both MEN and Sean Cody scenes are produced by the same Mindgeek crew in the same San Diego building (and scenes at both studios often feature the same models):
As Str8Up has reported exclusively over the years, Stu became a full time bodybuilder and personal trainer after his retirement, so a role in a gym-themed series makes sense. Sadly, Stu will not be having gay sex in this gym.
Scenes from “The Gym” (which begin here next week) feature Devy, JC, Josh, returning model Lachlan, and a new model named Beck. Instead of fucking, I guess Stu will be giving them fitness tips or something? On the one hand, it’s insulting that Mindgeek would bring back arguably the most popular SC model of all time and not have him performing in a sex scene. On the other hand, some Stu stans might not care that he’s not sucking or fucking, and just seeing him shirtless in a porn scene will be enough to bust their nuts to.
The one thing that’s truly hilarious? Even if you wanted to go back and jerk it to Stu’s old Sean Cody scenes, you can’t do that on Sean Cody, as the studio inexplicably deleted every single one of Stu’s videos (and over 2,000 other videos) back in 2020. You have to love that Sean Cody expects people to care about Stu after they’ve removed every mention of him (and hundreds of other models) from their site. LOL:
Of course, true fans (and hoarders) can always revisit Stu’s scenes if they saved downloaded copies of his videos, like this one with Noel: