Is Colt Rivers The Best Gay Porn Star Of 2014?

Posted November 10, 2014 by with 15 comments

colt rivers gay porn

It’s that time of year again: For the second year in a row, Str8UpGayPorn presents the 2nd Annual Str8ie Awards for 2014′s Best Gay Porn Star!

Last year’s winner was Connor Kline (who immediately retired right after winning—I hope this award isn’t cursed!), so who will take home the gay porn industry’s most prestigious trophy this year? It’s 100% up to you. Like last year, the Str8ie winner will be determined solely by fan voting, and like last year, there will be 10 nominees. Nominee #1 was Ryan Rose, nominee #2 was Colby Keller, nominee #3 was Boomer Banks, nominee #4 was Sean Cody’s Tanner, and today I can reveal nominee #5: Colt Rivers (a.k.a. Sean Cody’s Ryan)!


Colt Rivers is the fifth nominee in the Str8ie Awards contest for 2014′s Best Gay Porn Star, but stay tuned, because we’re only halfway done, and five more gay porn star nominees will be unveiled as we head towards the end of the year. Then, all 10 will face off in one round of fan voting to determine 2014′s Best Gay Porn Star.

tumblr_mgkzguooOm1r29n39o2_400As Sean Cody’s Ryan, Colt Rivers was easily that site’s #1 bottom during his tenure from 2011-2013, and few will ever forget what his ass looked like as it slid, rode, and bounced up and down on several of the largest cocks in gay porn. Let’s face it: Some people were born to sit on dicks, and Colt Rivers is one of those people.

tumblr_nd8z6gCPmd1rw3pgqo1_500Now having shed his Sean Cody persona, Colt Rivers has dominated gay porn in 2014 by working for the biggest studios in several high profile scenes. From Falcon and to ManRoyale and NextDoor, there isn’t a site on which Colt Rivers hasn’t appeared, and there isn’t a dick on which he hasn’t sat.


Colt Rivers is such a good bottom, he even slaps the asses of tops who are fucking other bottoms.


Colt Rivers is such a good performer, he even got a smile out of notorious diva Topher DiMaggio.

But most importantly, Colt Rivers is proof that a great performer can make any gay porn hot, regardless of whether it’s bareback or with condoms.

colt rivers ryan sean cody

Is Colt Rivers 2014’s Best Gay Porn Star?

tumblr_ncxgf56jVK1rlwqk7o1_128053626_11Clip from Colt Rivers’ latest scene with Nikko Russo in Easy Inn:

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pause-sharp-outline pause-sharp-fill pause-rounded-outline pause-rounded-fill
[Falcon: Nikko Russo Fucks Colt Rivers]


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