Jarec Wentworth Sentenced To Nearly Six Years In Federal Prison

Posted October 27, 2015 by with 79 comments

jarecsentenceAfter over 50 gay porn scenes, one Audi R8, $500,000, six counts of felony extortion, and eight months in prison awaiting trial and sentencing, Teofil Brank (a.k.a. Jarec Wentworth/Sean Cody’s Jarek) has finally received his punishment. This morning in Los Angeles federal court, Judge John Walter sentenced Brank to 70 months in prison (five years and 10 months), followed by three years probation.

The United States Probation Office had recommended a term of 70-80 months in prison, and Judge Walter obviously went with the low end of that recommendation. Prosecutors (and undoubtedly Donald Burns, too) were hoping for a maximum incarceration term of 80 months.

As far as a permanent detention facility, it’s not immediately clear where Brank will serve out his sentence (though it will be somewhere in California), as his lawyers are still working to prove his U.S. citizenship status. As of post time, I’m still working to confirm when, if at all, Brank will be eligible for parole.

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[Related: Jarec Wentworth’s Extortion Of Donald Burns—The Complete Timeline]


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