Michael Lucas Put Black Performers In A Gay Porn Titled “Black Cocks Matter”—Without Telling Them The Movie’s Title

Posted June 23, 2018 by with 66 comments

bcmI hesitated writing about Lucas Entertainment’s “Black Cocks Matter” all week, in part because I don’t give attention to any movie made by Michael Lucas, a despised studio owner with an expansive, well-documented history of abusing his models. And, Lucas thrives on any press coverage of his movies—even when that coverage is critical—so it’s been the general policy here to never comment on them, even if it’s something as disgraceful as “Black Cocks Matter” (which, sadly, other blogs have had no problem promoting and profiting from this week). Obviously, there’s been an exception made today.


Using Black Lives Matter—maybe the most important activist movement of our time, whose purpose is to prevent violence against Black communities inflicted by the police and other government agencies—to fetishize black men in a porn movie is not really a surprise coming from a bigot like Michael Lucas, but it is something of a new low, even for him. Certain types of porn movies or porn genres will of course always be offensive to some, but making a parody out of the fight to prevent state-sanctioned murder of black men is beyond “offensive,” and should be abhorrent to everyone.

And, Lucas Entertainment doesn’t bother to defend their title in the movie’s description (not that it would matter even if they tried, as there is no defense). Instead, they offer a meaningless throwaway line about “politically heated times” that further mocks BLM:

Lucas Entertainment stands up in these politically heated times to proudly support one paramount fact: all “Black Cocks Matter”!

I was also hesitant to write about this movie because of the cast of models involved (three of whom are black, while three are white), as I didn’t (and don’t) want anything said here to reflect negatively on them. None of them should be held responsible for this, as I assumed that no one in the cast knew at the time of filming what the title of this movie would be (or if there would even be a title, since productions are often released as a series of unnamed scenes). One of the movie’s stars, Max Konnor, confirmed my assumption today when he revealed that he was not told what the name of the movie would be:

max2Naming the movie “Black Cocks Matter” and disrespecting the BLM movement was obviously contemptible enough, but only someone as depraved as Michael Lucas could make the situation worse by exploiting six performers and making them appear complicit in that disrespect.

Make no mistake: Michael Lucas takes pride in degrading and manipulating people like this, and those who continue to work with or for him, pay for his content, or support him in any way are just as shameful and just as sick as he is.

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