[UPDATED] Right-Wing Gay Porn Zionist Michael Lucas Brags About His Name Being Written On Israeli Missile Used To Murder Children

Posted December 23, 2023 by with 20 comments

This story has been updated below.

Given his incessantly long and grotesque history of hate speech and his unwavering support of right-wing terrorists (not to mention his relentless physical and emotional abuse, attempted murder, financial crimes, and other criminal acts committed against dozens of gay porn performers), there is sadly nothing surprising about the tweet from Michael Lucas below. In it, Lucas boasts about how Israeli soldiers allegedly wrote his name on an IDF missile used to murder innocent civilians in Gaza:

Str8Up obviously can’t confirm the authenticity of the photo or Lucas’s claim that the IDF did this because he asked them to, but as you can see in the image, the words “From Michael Lucas, to Gaza” are written in red ink on what appears to be an IDF explosive device.

As of yesterday, the UN confirmed that over 20,000 Gazans have been murdered by Israeli bombings, all of which are in violation of Geneva Conventions and part of Israel’s decades-long attempt to seize control of land that rightly belongs to Palestinians. At least 70% of those killed in Israel’s latest barbaric genocide have been women and children.

Lucas’s tweet was in reply to another Twitter user who tweeted about how the IDF was writing his name on missiles:

There’s no way to know if any of these autographed missiles are real (as the Washington Post recently reported, Israel blatantly lies about the attacks they carry out in Gaza, and anyone on Twitter can photoshop text onto bombs), but what is obviously real are Michael Lucas’s intentions: He wants innocent Palestinians killed in his name, and he wants everyone following him on Twitter to know this.

Again, nothing surprising here, but what has been reassuring is seeing the dozens and dozens of replies to the tweet, all of which condemn Lucas. Many of them have restored my faith in the general public, while some have simply made me smile. Here are all of the replies to genocidal maniac Michael Lucas’s missile tweet:

I love that one of the replies quoted an article from Str8Up covering the now infamous “Feces Mansion” story from 2015.

And FYI, here’s the translation to the above tweet from user “Felbast”:

And here are a ton more, including one that asks Lucas, “Weren’t you in the Holocaust?” which is truly sending me…


It’s looking like the photo of the IDF missile is real, and it was Michael Lucas himself who autographed it in person, because he was actually just in Israel.

Because Lucas can’t write or speak English fluently, I assumed that when he tweeted, “I actually asked to write my name,” I thought he was just being his usual illiterate self, and what he meant to say was, “I actually asked them to write my name.” Turns out, he meant exactly what he tweeted, and after asking if he could write his own name on the bomb, the IDF allowed it, and they apparently let him take pictures, too.

A reporter from Israel posted the below tweet yesterday, acknowledging Lucas’s visit to Israel and how he met with far right-wing Zionist and former minister from the Israeli government Amir Ohana:

In addition to Ohana, Lucas was also photographed with Jerry Seinfeld in Israel, and he shared the photo on his Instagram (note that former director mr. Pam posted multiple comments on the image with heart emojis and the Israeli flag):

Finally, here was a video Lucas took and posted to his Instagram with Israeli soldiers thanking him for “the amazing night we had last night” and his “amazing generosity.” Maybe he injected them all with Trimix.


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