Michael Lucas Restates Hatred Of Muslims, Labels Refugees “Barbarians”
It’s hard to keep track of all the ways disgraced porn producer Michael Lucas is awful. From his alleged spreading of diseases and model endangerment on international porn sets in swamps, to lawsuits filed against him for smearing feces and drugs in a fraudulently rented house, to his repeated harassment and stalking of models who’ve escaped his horrific studio, the list of Michael Lucas atrocities never ends. Today, he’s recycling a classic Michael Lucas trait: Bigotry.
Lucas was a guest on an alt-right talk radio show hosted by fellow xenophobe Aaron Klein, who’s an “investigative reporter” at Breitbart (of course). Excerpts from the bigot-on-bigot chat, in which Lucas unsurprisingly comes out in support of Trump’s unconstitutional Muslim ban:
Lucas recommended strictly limiting the U.S. refugee program and other immigration to cultures and societies that “share our values.”
“We can be like a sports team,” argued Lucas. “We can choose the crème de la crème. Doctors. Engineers. Programmers from all over the world. But from the world that is sharing our values. That is my very strong belief.”
That’s less a “strong belief” and actually more of an outright delusion, as if U.S. immigration policy can identify or be legally structured around any specific culture, and as if refugees—many of whom are children fleeing for their lives—have to be “crème de la crème doctors” in order to come to the United States.
Lucas goes on to spout more nonsense, with the same name-calling and destructive hate speech we’ve heard from him before, none of which is true considering the millions of peaceful Muslims who’ve been born here (or who’ve immigrated here), and who already believe in/take part in culture and values shared by many Americans:
What I always recommend is when you see how these people live, what they do, start appreciating more our society. And protect our society from those barbarians as vigorously as they protect their society. […] I am referring to the Muslim world. To the world of Islam. We will not be able to change them but we have to protect our world and our way of life as vigorously as they protect their way of life. And yes immigration is a problem. Yes, on the left this is a very unpopular opinion. If we are taking (refugees and immigrants) we should not take from the pool of people that is so hostile to us. […] Muslim immigration is a problem. They come here, they lobby, they bring hate. And that is not the right pool of people we should be taking from. That is very unfortunate but it would be terrible for refugees and it would be terrible for us because there will be a lot of hate. People don’t want really refugees from Muslim countries because it is such a different culture that will collide with our culture. They will radicalize much faster here and that is why I am very much against this immigration.
Lucas’s xenophobia and bigoted hate speech about Muslims is unfortunately nothing new (he loves calling refugees “barbarians“), but it’s good to be reminded of his “beliefs,” and to be reminded of how he’s still supported by some in the gay adult industry. Those who choose to say nothing and continue to support Lucas—including industry media, other companies/studios selling his content, awards shows, and especially the trade groups who are supposed to be protecting models—are effectively complicit in his “beliefs,” not to mention the alt-right bigots with which he’s solidly aligned (Breitbart, Trump, etc.).
Claiming to care so much about anyone’s “way of life” is obviously a noble position to take, but it doesn’t exactly feel sincere if you’re known for hiring convicted murderers to have sex with your employees, or if you’re deliberately permitting the transmission of deadly STDs in your movies. That’s not a “way of life,” that’s…barbaric.